It's a little late I know, but l would be lying if I said I didn't always want Halloween to last a little longer, and to my credit I did start these at the beginning of October!
I bought this sock yarn on because it was inspired by the Nightmare Before Christmas, which happens to be one of my favourite films, and also because who doesn't want a sweet pair of Fall-oween socks? The Etsy link will take you to the shop I bought it from in case you wish to peruse this lovely shop.
For the cuff I did a simple knit 3 purl 3 because I was working on size 2 US needles and wanted to actually have a decent ribbing to keep them up.
These socks started out as my purse project, which is something that's small that I can tote around in my purse and work on whenever I have a spare moment to knit. This project ended up drawing a lot of attention everywhere I went. In one class this creation inspired a young man to ask me if I would be willing to teach him how to knit, and in my other class a few lovely souls would ask to see my sock and thoughtfully inquired about the progress I was making. They even asked if I would finish the pair so they could see them completed.
The first sock took me the better portion of October and a bit of November, but the second sock came along far more quickly -- only taking the last three weeks to make.
It has been very fun and rewarding to have people rooting for a project. To have friendly faces checking in with anticipation to see how much closer it was to the finish.
When the first sock was finished it got passed around to the entirety of one of my classes, including the professor, and now I get to wear the pair to the last day of class.
The socks both turned out beautifully and while the first one has a bit of colour pooling it actually adds a nice effect to the sock. An interesting serpent stripe if you will.
The second sock I made a little tighter to my foot, and I ended up not having the pooling problem.
Now before you ask, no, it's not great to have socks two different sizes, but it's slight and trying to make socks for my wee pointed elf feet is taking some practice. It's all about learning and both socks fit, so I'm not going to fuss over it.
That's something nice I realised this project; There are some things worth ripping out, like when I didn't make the toe pointy enough for the first sock, but other things, like a slight difference around the foot, that isn't worth worrying about unless personally bothers you. In crafting, like all of life, you must pick your battles and know what's worth fussing over.
I just added this next picture because I like how it looks like they're snuggling.
Here they are- in their much awaited and splendid glory.
There's not a whole lot to say otherwise for these socks, they were fun and turned out beautiful, and they reminded me yet again how special it is to share what you love and what you create with those around you.
Stay sweet, stay crafty, and stay tuned.