
A Little About Me

A Little About Me

Glacier Kayaking 2015

Glacier Kayaking 2015

It didn't really ever stop being something I was interested in.  As time went on and I was in High School, I accidentally got signed up for a quilting class, and I took to it like it was all I ever wanted to live on.  Mrs. Steele, the teacher, became a figure of hope and inspiration to me.  I was often alone, quiet, and uncomfortable in my years of High School, and Mrs. Steele gave me the perfect home.


Now here I am, in my 2o's, crafting in full swing once again, and wanting to make a sweet life and/or afterlife for myself in everything that I love. 


My perfect evening would be somewhere quiet and wooded, on the porch of a cabin, sipping tea or Rainier, with a big, bright waxing moon overhead.  I would be working on something made of alpaca for knitting or pinning the binding of a massive quilt with the promise that I could spend the next couple of days there.  I would turn on the music of The Ballroom Thieves, and eat endless amounts of sauerkraut mushroom pierogi.  My books would be a stack consisting of the Night Circus, the Book Thief, and probably random books about the cultures surrounding Death and the paranormal (because ghosts need to know where it's safe to travel nowadays).


My name is Tara, in case it hasn't shown up anywhere else.  I'm a recently returned North Dakotan after having been an Oregonian for a handful of years and a Utahan for a while before that, and as you may have gathered from this site- I'm madly in love with crafting.


I fell in love with creating things when I was too young to be any good at it. With a remarkably talented mother that happened to be part of a spinning, knitting, weaving, crocheting, and so on group, I decided early on that I had to be a part of this community, no matter how nervous it made people that I was a kid that wanted to sit quietly and craft for hours on end.  




Stag and Tree Fingerless Gloves.

Stag and Tree Fingerless Gloves.

The Gist Of It

Crater Lake, Oregon 2016..

Crater Lake, Oregon 2016..



This site is dedicated to my crafting, adventures, what I do, and how I do it in my sweet afterlife, and the shop where I will be selling some of the things I make.  


I would also like to let it be known here that I understand that my work won't always be perfect, especially when it comes to knitting- I have a lot to learn, and I'm okay with that.  The likelihood of more experienced crafters being out there is a guarantee.  When you look at what I make, when you buy what I create, you are choosing to support art and passion- neither of which are perfect.  

I will grow and become better over time, and my work will reflect that, but I also make the promise that I won't sell something that I'm not proud of.  

Plus we can laugh together as I try to manage getting better at knitting.  I mean, it took me 10 years of knowing how to knit to pick up a pattern to follow, so we're at least in for an interesting time.