

Posts tagged lace

As my dear friends' special day approached, the forecast started speaking a language none of us were terribly excited to hear.  It was going to be hot from dawn to dusk.  Which left the flannel shirt I made for the occasion a total non-option- unless one of the brides wanted to get heat stroke.   

Worried about how to keep the aesthetic of the wedding together, the lovely bride I made the bow for suggested a vest, if I would be willing to make it in such a short time.  

I immediately accepted the challenge and set to work the very next day.  


I hadn't realised how much the sleeves delayed me in the first garment until I worked on one without such tubular time eaters.  The body of the vest was easily cut and pieced together within an hour or two.  

In the afternoon I started working on the details.  Trying my best to make sure that this didn't look like it was hacked together within 10 hours.  Even though it was briskly cut and stitched together in that time...


Seams slowly looked happier and as the evening sunk its teeth into my long day, I attached the lace around the neck to give it the kind of flourish the wedding day deserved.  The kind of love that the brides deserve.  

Before not too long the vest was finished, and despite it not wanting to look nice on the hanger it turned out well.  No heatstroke for the brides, and I didn't hack apart a buttonhole like I did last time.  All that was left was to tailor it better to the inspiring and radiant woman that was going to wear it.  


No, not me.  The bride is that woman- I'm just modeling out of vanity.  



The accents of shirt and the vest complemented each other beautifully, and if it's ever -20 out the pieces can be worn together to create a charming old-fashioned look.


The wedding was beautiful, and a day to cherish by all.  Even in the stress and mania of the event, both of the brides still looked after and lent their abundant love to all those who surrounded them for their special day.  There were struggles and strains, as any wedding day has, but when it came down to it- the day was all about love, and that's the memory that lasts.

I feel endlessly fortunate to have been able to be a part of such a wonderful day, and be a part of the lives that made it happen.

Stay sweet, stay crafty, and stay tuned.

Tara Maewedding sewing, wedding, vest, lace