

Missoula Mountains on the Mind

As a celebration for graduating and getting my degree, my family thought it would be fun to take a drive and go to some of my favourite parts of the world: Wyoming, Montana, and Canada.  

So as our fearless leader, my mother, drives us to all of these beautiful parts of these countries, I have knitted and watched the stunning scenery passing by.  

At first this project was simply going to be triangles created by the two beautiful Malabrigo yarns and yet... As I watched the mountains passed I saw them reflected in my knitting.

Perhaps it was because the mountains were so beautiful, or because I was becoming vaguely deranged from being in the car so long- but I felt like this cowl started representing the wonderful view surrounding me.   

The lighting makes it a wee bit tricky since I'm taking this from a hotel room, but instead of having this be an exact line across, I gave the brown/green/lavender yarn a bit of tapering so that it looks like the mountains I've been watching dreamily these past several days.


Plus this was a lovely excuse to use my herringbone stitch again!

I realise this is a day earlier than my usual posting date, but since I had a spare moment I thought I would share the creation of the day.

Stay sweet, stay crafty, and stay tuned.

Tara Mae