

Various Shades of Purple

A good while back I was exposed to the magic wonders of blending with a drum carder.  

It was enchanting and easy fun that made my spinner's heart dance with joy as I put all that I knew about paint blending into fiber form.

At the peak of my adventures with a borrowed drum carder, I decided to take some fun purple fiber I had, and add a heap of white to one batch; reds, blues, and deep purples to another; and the middle one I added a little bit of everything to.  At the end, I ran each luscious creation through the drum carder again, and added handfuls upon handfuls of sparkling fibers to give it the added magic it deserved.

Then, being aware of my novice spinning skills, I stowed these various shades of purple away and promised them that I would pick them back up when I could do them justice.

Then within the last couple of months, that time came.

I paired these lovely darlings with a purple-toned grey fiber that my mum had spun up, and decided to make a hood out of it.  


Why do I make so many hoods?

  • My mum made me one when I was small, and I didn't fully realise just how spectacularly warm and cozy they are until I was out on a farm teaching children about soil in the pouring rain and wind.
  • They don't fall off.  I'm constantly running around and trying to get things done, and fussing with a hat that keeps slipping off my head like an uncomfortable octopus is just a hassle.  
  • They're fun and cheerful to wear.  I have rarely ever been able to maintain a foul mood if I'm wearing one, because they make me feel like a wonder-creature exploring the world.
  • Most hats make my head too-round looking, hoods give me some shapes and angles so it doesn't appear that I have an impossibly spherical dome sitting on top of my ears.

This hood is a little different though, as I decided to not make a scarf attachment to hold it on.  Instead, with the grey fiber I knitted in the round and when I got to my fairisle diamonds and such, I started knitting back and forth.


This made it so that the opening for my face would also double to be a sort of cowl, holding my hood on, and keeping my neck warm even if I didn't want the hood up.

Hope you are staying warm and cheerful this spring!

Stay sweet, stay crafty, and stay tuned.

Tara Mae